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    TONANTZIN -Shampoo


    1 Liter


    Effective formula that works by activating hydration and strengthening the hair follicle, accelerating hair growth in a natural way, increasing volume, fighting alopecia, with moisturizing and nourishing agents that prevent excessive hair loss.Hair looks and feels more healthy!! thanks to the formula of this wonderful shampoo that invigorate the roots and follicle of your scalp. One of the main ingredients is Rosemary that helps cleanse the follicle to promote growth and stop hair loss. Another of main ingredients is Keratin that helps strengthen hair to prevent dry ends and avoid brittle hair. Its main function is to regenerate in a complete way, in order to show off enviable hair and full of vitality. Shampoo Tonantzin is a handmade shampoo made in Aguascalientes, Mexico 🇲🇽; Its formula combines the essential ingredients to regenerate your hair from the roots to the ends.


    Distilled Water, Romero Extract, Keratin, Copalquin Extract, Walnut Extract, Vitamin E, hydrolyzed Collagen, and Aloe Vera Extract, horsetail, Methylisothiazolinone,15 coco Polyamina, fragrance, Color.


    Before you take a shower, take a wide toothed comb and comb your hair gently and properly. This will not only reduce tangles but also help you keep away from hair shafts when it is dry.

    Now, wet your tresses with warm water and take some shampoo and gently massage your hair and scalp with it. Work the shampoo throughout the length of your hair.

    Rinse your hair throughly and keep stroking your hair in the downward direction.

    Apply conditioner after if necessary


    TONANTZIN- shampoo


    1 botella

    1 Litro.


    Este shampoo te ayudará a recobrar el brillo de tu cabello al aportar nutrientes y vitaminas esenciales para regenerar tu cuero cabelludo. Uno de los ingredientes principales es el Romero que ayuda a limpiar el folículo para promover el crecimiento y detener la caída del cabello. Otro de sus ingredientes principales es la Keratina que ayuda a fortalecer el cabello para evitar las puntas secas y evitar el cabello quebradizo. Su mayor función es regenerar de una forma completa, para poder lucir una cabellera envidiable y llena vitalidad. Shampoo de el caballo es un shampoo Artesanal hecho en Aguascalientes, Mexico 🇲🇽; Su fórmula combina los ingredientes esenciales para la regenerar tu cabello desde la raíz hasta las puntas.


    Agua Destilada, Extracto de Romero, Keratina , Extracto de Copalquín, Extracto de Nogal, Vitamina E, Colágeno hidrolizado, Extracto de Aloe Vera, Cola de Caballo, Methychloroisothiazolinone,Methylisothiazolinone, PEG 15-Coco Polyamina, Color


    Antes de bañarse cepille su cabello suave y apropiadamente con un peine de dientes anchos, esto no solo reducirá los nudos en su cabello sino que también prevendrá que su cabello se quiebre innecesariamente a la hora de lavarlo.

    Humedezca el cabello con agua tibia y aplique una pequeña cantidad de shampoo, dando un ligero masaje a el craneo y cabello con la yema de los dedos, deje actuar por un momento y enjuague con abundante agua.
    Después Aplique Acondicionador de Cabello si lo cree conveniente.

    TONANTZIN, Maximum Hair Growth Shampoo

    $54.00 Regular Price
    $48.60Sale Price
    Excluding Sales Tax

    Please note that our natural hair products are handcrafted with care and attention to detail. 

    As we are a secondary seller , we do not offer guaranteed 2-day shipping. Processing and shipping times may vary depending on the supplier's schedule and product availability. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to ensure these quality products reach you.

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